In early 2010, whilst browsing the internet, I stumbled upon….something.
I was amazed and instantly addicted (in my casual manner of obsession).
It was awesome.
Full of real home improvement advice from a real person.
There were furniture revivals, budget DIY projects, thrifty decorating tips.
And there were comments and references and credits which led to a whole like-minded on-line community.
So, what was this glorious thing?
It was a blog.

Despite being hooked, I had no initial intentions of beginning my own blog though after just a few short months already found myself left-clicking my first “publish” button.
I’m still not certain exactly what compelled me, though I think it was a combination of wanting to both diarise and share my own decorating endeavours.

After purchasing my first ‘house’ in 2005 I became committed to creating a beautiful yet liveable ‘home’ on a budget.  The Painted Hive began as my on-line journal of the journey – a place to share real projects, fresh ideas and evocative inspiration. Over the years it’s evolved into a platform where all of my interior related ventures are chronicled in the hopes of uplifting others.

My philosophy is simple: any space can be made to sing – which usually involves making the most of what you’ve got by finding innovative ways of turning trash into treasure. I believe there are always attainable alternatives to things which might otherwise be exorbitant.

An important aspect of my blog is enlightening, empowering and encouraging others so I focus on publishing fresh content written in a thoughtful and thorough way. Connecting with people is central to all that I do (without visitors The Painted Hive would be a lonesome place indeed!) so please know that your readership is immeasurably appreciated and unceasingly motivating – your engagement through comments is particularly valued.

Although I’m a “causal” blogger of sorts, I am incredibly passionate about this online space and post whenever I feel I have something worthy of its virtual pages. 

For some further reading about my blog you can check out my….