You know those old-fashioned telephone tables? Like this one….

Then on with some jute webbing. Kinda like this….

Next, a layer of foam wrapped in some thick wadding followed by a piece of cute fabric (taupe and cream ticking stripe in my case).
I pulled, stretched and staple-gunned the fabric into place before trimming away any excess and hot-gluing a length of braid trim around the whole bench to conceal the staples.
Some covered buttons were then added for that finishing touch.
So, from this…

To this…

Some co-ordinating pillows and a throw rug really make for a cute ensemble.

The throw is plain taupe polar fleece trimmed with the matching ticking fabric and the cushions have simple faux envelope fronts dressed with some more covered buttons.
In the pic below you can see the braid trim and fabric. To give the base a bit of extra character and a slightly more relaxed feel I lightly distressed the edges.

Here’s the set in my parent’s guest bedroom….

I know as a tutorial this is kinda vague (sorry!) though I didn’t take any step-by-step photos because, to be honest, this was the first project of its kind that I’d ever attempted and I really didn’t know just quite what I was doing and how it might end up (plus who knows if I did it the ‘proper’ way anyway!).
So clever! The lines of the cabriolet legs are great. So perfect as a bench!
Wow, I am so impressed, that is absolutely stunning! I have a soft spot for those old phone tables too, although currently I seem to be acquiring the wrought iron scrolly-type ones, I nearly have one ready to reveal actually (just waiting for a decent day to spray paint one last coat of white – might be waiting a while since it is now winter in my part of the world!)
xx Karen
Hi, me again, just checked your profile and see you are kind of in ‘my part of the world’ as well, lol. Nice to see someone closer to home as most of the blogs I read are American ones :)
xx Karen
ps. I wonder if a coffee table with queen anne legs would work as a bench seat? I have one waiting in my ‘to-do’ pile….
That is a great makeover! I love the fabric you chose.
It really looks fabulous, and in a perfect possy too!
I really like how this turned out. I will keep my eye out for these! Karen, I think a coffee table would work also!
Karen, course you could upholster the top of a coffee table too :-) The only difference (in regard to this particular project) would be the buttoning. Unless you removed the table top or cut a big hole in it you wouldn’t have a way to pull the buttons down to create the slight indentations. Though if you weren’t fussed about having buttoning you could just slap some foam straight on the table top!
That looks super!! and the pillows and throw just finish up that room!
I love this! It’s absolutely darling gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the how to, I just might try it!
Hi Kristine, It looks great and I love the fabric you have chosen. Thanks also for sharing how you made it. I have only recently worked out how you do the button indents.
Super cute! Good to know you can just remove that drawer. Where do you get the jute tape?? Do you just staple that on? Cool!!
I honestly think this is one of the most perfect makeovers I’ve ever seen!
You did an excellent job,it’s gorgeous!
xxx Flaviana
Amazing transformation Kristine you are very clever. I’ll keep my eyes open for a similar table to transform. Thanks for the inspiration.
Wow! I love the bench, I love the room, and I love that you thought of taking one of those tables apart. I would have never thought of that! Awesome job!
Great job, Kristine! I don’t think you need an in-depth tutorial on this as you explained it pretty well. : ) I had wondered if the padded bench went the whole length or if it stopped by the tabletop. It looks longer to me with the top piece off. It makes for a nice piece at the end of the bed.
Pretty ingenuitive use of an obsolete type of furniture! Nice job!
You are so clever Kristine. The repurpose of the telephone table is ingeneous. I love it, I am always so inspired by you projects! xx
this bench just makes me wish we lived closer. so i could come steal it when you weren’t looking! i LOVE it! i love the color, shape, and the creativity it took you to get there. fantastic.
Looks FABULOUS!! Thanks for linking up and sharing!
I was feeling guilty that I turned a very ugly Ethan Allen early 20th C. telephone bench that my grandma had into a table with a plaster top–until I saw your post, and now I feel much better! Whew! I do like my table now, and I am thankful that Grandma saw fit to keep it for me, even though I’m sure she’d be baffled by my ability to re-purpose a ‘perfectly good bench.’
Thanks for sharing this with us Kristine. I have been wanting to make something like this for the end of my bed but never thought of using a telephone table. It looks amazing as usual. Have a great weekend Kym X
What a great idea. Benches can be so expensive, great option.
I love this type of makeover and have been looking at some different ways people are doing them so I can re-do a piece I have here at home! Great job. :-)
i LOVE this project of yours! I still love looking at your parents guest bedroom!! :) Thanks for all your sweet comments this week on the playroom and mirror! -shaunna
Coming over to Follow you and so glad I did!~ Love the new bench!!! It is just perfect!
That is one sweet looking bench! Those lines are incredible. You’d better watch that it stays put should any bench lover come wandering over for a visit!
oh my goodness – thats beautiful – who would have thought it could look so different – well done you – shall certainly be coming back for more – thank you
Hi Kristine
I am glad to find your blog. I saw your work on ebay. I admire your work. beautiful. You inspire me. Thank you for sharing your work.
Julie xx
I love the striped ticking you chose, it looks very chic. Way to go.
I love it! Well done.
Wow that looks amazing! I would love to feature this next week on Favorite Things Friday! Stop by if you would like a featured button!
good grief! this bench is fabulous! and I love your new blog banner ( I haven”t been around for a while) everything looks great! -denise
WOW!!! It looks great! I always love your work. You are so talented. Have a great day.
What a great little bench you’ve remade; yeah! Love the simplistic look of the classic ticking fabric. You made this bench worthy of sitting a spell again. :) Pam @ Sallygoodin
Beautiful! I would like to know how you attached the jute tape webbing also.
Hey girlies. Thanks for the lovely comments. I use tacks (and a hammer) to attach the webbing to the timber frame as it’s kinda thick and hard for standard-ish staples to penetrate effectively. It’s a little time-consuming (and can be finger punishing!) though not too bad.
Wow-a beautiful result from a modest beginning! I love the idea of the jute webbing under the upholstery. I have a chair that is awaiting some reworking and this may be just the thing it needs.
Kristine what a great makeover. Such a clever idea
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. Your bench seat looks fantastic. I have bypassed many of these telephone stands in the op shops – I will be looking at them more closely from now on! You have a wonderful blog with gorgeous images. I’m now following and look forward to your next post. Michelle
bench came out great but what really caught my eye were the pillows…love the detail on them!
Nice job. You have a natural talent for this. Please do tell us what happened to the top of the phone bench. You thinking charging station? Hope you’ll have time to stop by and see our kitchen. Jane F.
How clever of you to transform this old telephone bench into a “now” work of art. I love your fabric chose.. hugs ~lynne~
What an amazing transformation! You are so clever!
I love it…thank you for the nice comment on my blog. I am going to steal…er borrow, the idae to trim out an old throw. I’m glad you found me now I can enjoy your blog, too.
Beautiful! How clever.
What a stunning transformation! It looks fabulous at the end of the bed. Amazing work! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn
Love the fabric and pillows. Are you going to show how to do those lovely pillows?
oh…. I found a link to your blog (and mine too!) on a RUSSIAN website. I’m sending the site and I also translated it with Babelfish translator. Thought you might get a kick out of this. Too funny!
Wow! What a transformation, it looks gorgeous and a beautiful addition to the room! Thanks so much for sharing, I think I’ll keep my eye out for one on my op shop travels! Christine
love your color + fabric choices = brilliant!
You’ve done it again! How do take something so blah and turn into to chic?