The Painted Hive Christmas Tree

The Painted Hive Christmas Tree

Is it already a little too late in the season to finally share my Christmas tree? Truth is, I've actually had it up since the first weekend in December (truly-ruly I have!) though with my 'real' job being in the events industry things can get a tad busy this time of...

Enhanced Natural Timber Furniture

Enhanced Natural Timber Furniture

Update: Check out how my timber furniture looks in my refreshed farmhouse style master bedroom here. Before I began my master bedroom revamp I knew I wanted some rustic timber to keep the space warm and grounded, however finding the right pieces to 'restore' rather...

New Sofas Equals More Changes

New Sofas Equals More Changes

We were out window shopping the other day (I swear, I wasn't going to actually buy anything) when we spotted some sofas on sale. There were two two-seaters in premium waxed leather (mmm, that's the vintage-looking kind - love) on floor-stock clearance for $1800 (for...

Distressed White Cabinet

Distressed White Cabinet

Remember this little cabinet from my bedroom reveal? I reckon this early 1900's cupboard was originally some kind of kitchen dry store or food safe though I picked it up for $60 off eBay knowing it would be a perfect new house for all our shoes. This was the simplest...

Chalky Washed Armoire

Chalky Washed Armoire

Thanks so much for all the lovely comments about my bedroom revamp. One of the most mentioned and asked about items was the armoire. Well, 'armoire' is perhaps a tad too fancy, it's just a plain free-standing robe really. It was funny to read all the different...

The Painted Hive Master Bedroom

The Painted Hive Master Bedroom

Update: Check out how my bedroom has evolved! View more recent posts here. Some interesting wall angles and the need for tonnes of storage really dictated the design for our master bedroom. Function and budget were high priorities so I decided to work 'pretty' around...

Tea Cart Sheet Music Revamp

Tea Cart Sheet Music Revamp

Although I must admit I don't actually have any tea trolleys in my home (hmmm, that might need to change) I do just love them. So when I spied this little guy on the curb I knew he'd be coming straight home with me. I gotta say that he did kinda just sit around for a...

Linen Grain Sack Pillow Giveaway!

Linen Grain Sack Pillow Giveaway!

As a way of saying THANK YOU to all my more-awesome-than-rhubarb-pie readers (trust me, that's a big compliment - I really, really, really love rhubarb pie) I'm giving away this gorgeous grain sack inspired pillow cover! Hand-crafted from 100% natural linen it has a...

Make Your Own Throw Blanket

Make Your Own Throw Blanket

I gave up my search for a beautiful natural linen throw blanket a while back now. It wasn't because I couldn't find one for a reasonable price mind you, it was cause I couldn't find one at ALL (though if I had I'm sure it would have cost a pretty penny anyways). From...