Re-Love Project…an up-cycling journey

Re-Love Project…an up-cycling journey

If, when it comes to furniture, terms like 're-loved' and 'up-cycled' get your heart a-pumping, then this just may be the creative crusade for you! I make no secret of my passion for transforming the 'drab' into something a little more 'fab' (if I do say so myself...

Botanical Gallery Inspiration

Botanical Gallery Inspiration

Further to my post from earlier this week (in which I offered a collection of nine free fern printables) I thought I'd share a little botanical gallery love. Hopefully it helps inspire...    1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 Have an ace weekend. Oh, and if...

Free Fern Printables

Free Fern Printables

Do you remember when I posted about this budget DIY sconce light update... ...which I mentioned was part of a refresh of the sitting room (conjoined 'retreat' off the master bedroom) over at my parent's house? No? Well, that's okay. I don't blame you. That was over...

Flat Pack Hack: Chalkboard Faux Specimen Drawers

Flat Pack Hack: Chalkboard Faux Specimen Drawers

Flat-Pack. Knock-Down. Ready-To-Assemble. Whatever you wanna call it, there's no denying the practicality, affordability, versatility and accessibility of this very basic form of 'boxed' furniture. Unfortunately though, often times there's also no denying the generic,...

A New Project

A New Project

Do you ever feel like your creative ideas are just gonna burst right out of your brain in the form of some crazy kinda full body fire stomping dance? That's me at the moment. Over the past few months my kid's nap times have been totally outta sync, or completely...

DIY Large-Scale Art: Antique Bird Illustrations

DIY Large-Scale Art: Antique Bird Illustrations

I'm working on a few projects at the moment though am not quite ready to share any of them yet. So, given it's been a little while between posts, I thought I would chime in with what I hope is a helpful 'share'. If you follow me on Facebook you would probably know...