Yes, as in plural, though no, I’m not expecting twins.
There’s the literal ‘bump’ in my belly and then there’s that unforeseen ‘bump’ in the road.
Over the past few days I’ve learned a few things; babies truly ARE unpredictable (even when they’re still in the womb) and hospital food’s not all that bad (if you’re really, really hungry).
Thirty weeks into a complication-free pregnancy the last thing I expected to hear at 4.30am on a Sunday morning in the emergency department was; “Nothing to eat or drink in case we need to go to theatre and get baby out”.
What the? Back up a second. I haven’t even finished the nursery yet, let alone blogged about it (okay, so at the time that may not have been foremost in my mind though it did perhaps register a fleeting blip :-)
Well, fortunately he/she didn’t need to come out and is still snug in my belly though the incident has thrown a reasonably big, fat spanner in the works.
At this stage I’m in lock-down on my hospital bed until bub is born – probably via early cesarean hopefully no sooner than 36 weeks gestation (though that may be out of our control).
Apparently being young, fit and healthy is no defense against placenta previa and with none of the risk factors I’ve been told I’m just plain unlucky – well, good on me!
I’m sure many women who have been through labor might think me crazy though I was cautiously enthusiastic about experiencing something so weird-wonderful and the prospect of a cesarean was initially pretty devastating for me. Whilst I’ve managed to come to terms with that aspect of things it’s now the potential of facing weeks ‘alone’ in hospital which feels most daunting. I’m quietly yearning for the constant companionship of my husband Luke more than ever – I never thought the gentle droning of his occasional midnight snores would seem so precious.
At this point it’d probably be easy to whinge and sulk and cry “why me?” though the fact is there’s nothing to be done. A few lonely weeks away from home seems a reasonable ransom for the eventual safe arrival of a healthy new baby and I’m certainly under no illusions that, whilst things could be better, they could also be much, much worse.
I’m just taking it day by day.
At least by the time I’m outta here I should have lovely nails free of paint residue and a still intact vagina.
Glass half full, hey?

I decided to write this post, not in search of sympathy, though because I believe my readers deserve an honest explanation for my absence over the next few weeks – and because so far you’ve all been on this journey with me. Perhaps some people who can relate may even find comfort in reading this post.
Baby will be going into a bassinet beside our bed for the first little while so somewhere between sleeping, feeding and cleaning up poop I’ll still find time to finish the nursery as planned.
In the meantime I’ll try to chime in with occasional posts where possible though short of redecorating maternity wing 5B (I’ve already straightened all the pictures on the walls and neatened the stacked boxes of latex gloves – yes, I’m serious) there might not be a whole heap of projects to blog about.
Please wait for me.
Oh, you sweet thing. I have so been there. On bed rest from 24 weeks on and was so bitter I didn’t have the “normal” pregnancy. I still look back though at that time as so special because my daughter and I were in it together. It was a bonding time as all I had to do was focus on her being healthy. I know it’s frustrating but it really is a unique time. Hugs to you.
Oh dear, I’ll wait and pray! Best to you and baby!
wow-that was not what I expected. Above everything else, please be careful and take care of yourself and the blessing growing inside of you. I enjoy your blog when I can find the time to see what’s new. Do not worry about this blog. Everything happens for a reason. Relax, enjoy this alone time with your baby cause you’re gonna be really busy later. you are in my prayers. mary
Just seeing this…been out of town on mission work. I truly am praying for you, Kristine!! Happy to know you’re okay, and will be thinking of you daily!!
Good luck Kristine. C’s can be beautiful births just like the natural ones. My baby was breach for 10 weeks, we didnt have a choice but to have a C. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be in hospital this long, or have Placenta Previa. I can say you can still look forward to your birth as a C. No matter what, it’s the day your little baby will be born and it will be one of the best days of your life. It sounds like you’re doing a great job as a mom already, sacrificing for your baby. Good luck in the last weeks ahead!
hang in there, and take care of yourself! sending good wishes your way!
Best of luck to you, I hope the baby keeps cooking a while longer!
Your positive outlook is really inspiring. I am at 32 weeks now, and I can only imagine how hard it must have been to hear the news that you would be on bed rest. You are right though, at least you will have a healthy baby when all is said and done.
And its so true that newborns rarely sleep in their nursery for the first few weeks (even months) anyway, so you will hopefully have some time to devote to that once the baby arrives.
I wish you all the best and hope that the next few weeks go by quickly for you!
I just found your blog this week, and already I can say with absolute confidence- I will wait for you :) I adore your designs, and can’t wait to try some of your projects in my own little DIY cottage-sized home.
Take your time and be safe and healthy. Best wishes for your new wee one. Will look forward to your return!
Massachusetts, USA
I’ve just stumbled upon your lovely blog. I look forward to popping by again for some more inspiration! I’m just new into blogging this year & have put together a daily blog on design, fashion, food, travel and anything pretty. and one on everything coastal
I had a lot of fun putting them together maybe you would like to check it out if you have a spare minute.
Of course I will wait for you. GOD bless you and that precious baby. My sister had that, she had a c-section and went on to have 2 vaginal deliveries after that. What ever your delivery that baby comes by the precious baby in your arms and life will make it all better. Just part of the story.
Oh, my, will be praying for you! Of course we’ll stick around. And don’t worry, you aren’t alone in that hospital room- we’re all here cheering you on and you can vent and rejoice and whine all you want. :)