Remember when I said the suite extension bathroom reveal would be shared super soon?

And then coronavirus escalated, and social distancing happened, and home-schooling sort of took over my whole life?

Yeah, that.

Of course, that’s just me being overly dramatic, but home-schooling has swallowed-up most of the time I used to dedicate to projects and blogging. In addition, demand for my Design Services has increased a heap over the past month, so now most of my spare hours have been consumed by working with paying clients.

I’m not complaining or anything, just wanted to share why it’s been so quiet around here, and let you all know that whilst these bloggy wheels might be turning slowly at the moment, they are definitely still turning!

There are plans in the works and projects on the go which I can’t wait to share more of. And I promise the bathroom reveal is still coming (hopefully next week!).

Don’t give up on me! Thank you all so much for still being here.


