I’m Back! Plus a Virtual Design Concept

I’m Back! Plus a Virtual Design Concept

Why, hello there! Sorry if you were in the middle of munching on some cereal. Pretty sure the shock of seeing a new post from me now has that mouthful of Froot Loops all over your screen! In all seriousness though, yes, it's been a while and I'm so sorry for the...

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The Suite Extension DIY Kitchenette Progress

The Suite Extension DIY Kitchenette Progress

I'll be the first to admit that I've been a very bad blogger of late. You'd think being stuck at home all day, every day, would open-up a world of spare hours, but I've actually found myself more time challenged than usual. I know my seemingly relaxed approach to this...

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DIY Shutters for the Suite Extension House

DIY Shutters for the Suite Extension House

If you're anything like me, then you probably consume quite a bit of design and decoration content online, either through social media, blogs or other websites. And, like me, in your time you may have come across the odd article or two about exterior shutters and...

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I’m a passionate interiors specialist and self-confessed part-time perfectionist on a mission to cultivate beautiful and liveable hives for all.
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